Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Turn off hidden menus on XP

Hidden menu items are a complete annoyance!! Here's how to turn them back on:

Thursday, October 06, 2005

This simple change will keep Windows 2000 from hiding unused start menu items

Tip #65: Stop Personalized Menus

In the Windows 2000 Start Menu, only the most recently used applications are displayed, with the rest being hidden until you hold the mouse over the little double-arrows (much like in Office 2000). To rid your system of this somewhat annoying behavour, click Start | Settings | Task Bar & Start Menu. For Windows 2000, look on the General tab. For Windows XP, click the Start Menu Tab, then Click Customize. Then uncheck the "Use Personalized Menus" box on the General tab, then click OK. Now the entire contents of the Start menu will be displayed.